New bridge means children in Indonesia no longer have to risk their lives to get to school

watch_later Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A group of Indonesian school children captured the world's attention in January when they were photographed shimmying across a collapsed bridge over a dangerous river to get to school. The bridge has finally been replaced.

Students hold on to the steel bars of a collapsed bridge as they cross a river to get to school at Sanghiang Tanjung village in Lebak regency, in Indonesia's Banten Province in January.  Flooding from the Ciberang river below broke a pillar supporting the suspension bridge, which was built in 2001, leaving it crippled. 

If your kids ever complain about taking the bus to school, show them photos of these brave tykes. 
A group of children from a small village in western Indonesia no longer have to risk their lives to get to school now that the collapsed bridge they had been forced to shimmy across has been replaced. 
The children captured worldwide attention in January after they were photographed scaling the damaged bridge, which spans the Ciberang River in Lebak, Batan Province, and had been crippled by recent floods, Reuters reported. 
The kids said they had no choice; the next closest bridge was 30 minutes away. 

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