Modern city - Singapore

watch_later Sunday, June 1, 2014
singapore modern city
This place is AMAZING. We're talking about an island / city / state, that
in less than 50 years has managed to embody the urban paradise
floating vaguely in my fantasies BEFORE you touch the grandeur of this
metropolis. I have no words to describe the efficiency of the means of
transport: Each month we add new stations, metro lines, improvements
singapore futuristic
and innovations ... the paper-transport-with-chip debit card is also valid
to shop NORMAL. You can pay / withdraw from ATMs with mobile
phones. Free SMS. WiFi is free. There are outdoor escalators, parks ... the
"parks" are RAINFOREST ... and paved jungles, linked together with rope
bridges futuristic architecture overlooking a five-lane highways with no
traffic. And the skyscrapers ... OMG. They have roof gardens, swimming
pools suspended terraces paradise. Free museums, cleanliness, order,
efficiency, aesthetics, seamless integration with nature WITHOUT
mosquitoes (malaria-prevention-program) or annoying insects ... we are
not in Asia, we are in the future.

The population is composed of
immigrants from practically alone, the official language is English, the
cuisine does not exist. On the other hand you can find any unlikely
fusion of flavors, and I'm now resigned: breakfast, lunch, dinner, do not
exist. Accompany a cappuccino at a fish soup is normal, a smoothie with
a pizza, beans in ice cream, fruit in the dough. And it's all YUMMY! Of
course the purists turn up their noses, and Asia in general is not the
paradise of snob. I find that to be a rare gem, tastes too
accommodating (evidentemente. .. to me it seems normal that we
should adapt traveling, but most do not seem to be of the same
singapore modern
I'm learning so much
traveling, but also by travelers themselves, who approaches as diverse
as the personality is reflected in the way they approach the
temperature, the kitchen, expenses, cultural activities and ... I do not I
join several groups / people, curious to see how they spend their time,
and each time I am amazed. Few are equally efficient in moving (all
with smartphone / tablet, anyone with a SIM ... but WHY '?!?), Many are
hesitant to ask questions or try new things, and ALL indiscriminately
have a few pounds of Lonely Planet consult ... awkwardly on street

I'm generalizing, of course, but at this point, I think I have
enough statistical data to judge ... but I will not!
Of course Singapore is
relatively expensive, but it is a great place to familiarize yourself with
flavors / colors / ethnicities not say too much. Drinking water, public
toilets, no pain in the ass.

There is no chaos, neither crowding nor crime:
EVERYTHING is illegal in compensation, including chewing gum (dirty),
the death penalty for drug dealing, and the WHIPPING is a common
punishment Also ... on the part of parents for their children disobedient.
The last year has been welcomed into the company of CS random.
Many were surprised to find that I was not living there. How to KL,
most use the site to socialize, create events, and only a small portion

But then, these people are all imported from somewhere else!
The fireworks were (of course) the most gorgeous I've ever seen, but I
was much more impressed by the "crowd management" that has
allowed many TENS of thousands of people (drunk in the heart but
sober attitude?!?) to move easily without the shedding of blood. Rivers
of individuals arranged in rows consist of moving obedient, courteous
led by dozens of police officers who have bottles of water and wish
you a good year ...

Overall Singapore is beautiful, but no personality, just as it is from a
country that is the epitome of globalization. Many criticize the alienation
of course, a natural consequence of a population of individuals that live
in hives ... colorful, spacious, bright, efficient ... but still hives. Millions of
people crammed vertically in buildings architecturally unlikely to get lost
in all directions, interspersed with green spaces and picturesque colonial
residue classic look and harmonious ...

My host is a Japanese professional CS. It housed 800 people, has visited
over 100 countries, has practically the entire collection Lonely Planet and
works in the tourism ... then gave me free passes to anything, I save
tens of dollars (well, not really, I would definitely spend less than $ 20
for the on-hop off bus ... but if it is free is a great way to move through
a place of interest and the other ...). Tomorrow, if I have time, I jump at
Universal Studios Singapore ...! Depends on what you want to do my
next guest, an architect / cook / artist ... oh, well. We'll see.

sentiment_satisfied Emoticon