Swallow's Nest, Ukraine.

watch_later Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Castle Swallow's Nest, which means the nest of the swallow, is located near the town of Yalta, Ukraine.
It is located 40 meters above the sea level, on top of a hill named Aurora Cliff and offers unlimited views of the Black Sea.

Built before about a century for a wealthy European nobleman, who used it originally as a restaurant.
During a big earthquake in 1927, Hill underwent several large losses and thus prevented from entering to the castle to the public. 40 years later, after adding cement to the strength of the hill, the castle reopened to the public. Since then it has been used as a restaurant, café, club and more. Today is one of the most famous tourist attractions in the area. Thousands of people visit it every year, mostly because of the view offered by the place.

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