New Space Plane Skylon Will Take Passengers to Space In 15 Mins

watch_later Sunday, October 13, 2013

Welcome to the era of science and technology. What was once considered to be impossible is now more than just possible; it is much more convenient and easy to do. Space was considered to be an area off-limits to human race until it was achieved. But that is not where we stopped, did we?
Who would have thought there would come a time when aircrafts could be accelerated to five times the speed of sound, enabling humans to be transported to Earth’s stratosphere in just 15 minutes? With the introduction of Reaction Engines, we have stepped into that very era of technological advancement. The company plans to use this technology on a unique 3,500 mph ‘spaceplane’ called Skylon.
According to The Daily Mail, the “Reaction Engine’s Sabre design uses a system of pipes, filled with helium”. The pipes allow passage of air while the helium removes any heat content present. Once the aircraft is well in space, the engine is capable of switching to rocket mode. In other words, this implies that the aircraft can travel in orbit for around 36 hours and can also be used to launch satellites.

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