Adding Colour to the Street, One Lego Piece at a Time

watch_later Friday, February 1, 2013

In this cool street art project loads of colour is added to street walls and sidewalks all over the world, one lego piece at a time. I am not sure who the individual artists are for these awesome pieces of lego street art, but what a fun way to add some colour to the overly gray urban spaces we have become so accustomed to. I love the pieces where the lego seems to have been used to repair old and damaged structures.
These images are from Dispatchers Worldwide, a group that aims to add color to the urban grayscales in public spaces and “emphasize transitoriness as a chance for the construction and reconstruction of our environments.”  Anyone can join Dispatchers Worldwide and create a project in your very own city. Their website is actually really cool – it features an interactive map where you can click on a particular city and view photos of dispatchwork projects from there.

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