Lava Explodes into the Ocean, Hawaii

watch_later Monday, January 7, 2013

Hawaii's Big Island is home to some of the world's most active volcanoes. However, none are as dynamic or spectacular as the Kilauea, which has been erupting almost nonstop since 1983. However, its recent explosion was so large that for the first time ever, the lava has made a seven-mile journey right into the ocean, making for some stunning visuals!
The hough the lava began to edge toward the ocean on October 29th it was not until November 25th, that it made its first entry into the water. Not surprisingly, the amazing phenomenon is attracting thousands of visitors to the area. While not dangerous, authorities are warning tourists to watch the spectacle from a safe distance. That's because while lava entering the water may look quite benign, it could be dangerous - not just because of the gas emitted, but also, because the crashing waves intersecting with the hot lava could spew out scalding water and even, tiny particles of volcanic glass.

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