Charming babies - Platypus watch_later Sunday, January 27, 2013 comment Add Comment Squee lovers, because itty bitty chinchildren were SO CLOSE to winning last week’s Squee Spree contest, I decided to give them another chance! This week they’ll be facing off against awkwardorable and unpluralizable platypus! Share This : plus_one Google+ share Facebook share Twitter share Pinterest Daradonya Related PostBordeaux bridgeTree Ladder, Kanarra Creek Canyon, UtahAMAZING SAND ARTIliamna Volcano, Alaska World's most complicated railway line, Frankfurt, Germany..!Taum Sauk Hydroelectric Power StatioLuxurious Home For Your Fish - Labyrinth Aquarium Lost City of Atlantis chevron_leftNext This is the velella, a small free floating hydrozoan. It's currently the only known species in the genus. chevron_rightPrevious Tree Ladder, Kanarra Creek Canyon, Utah