watch_later Tuesday, January 8, 2013

It’s really great what you can do with a little sand, a little water and a lot of imagination and hard work.
If you ever visited the beach as a kid, you likely remember packing damp sand into a pail, then quickly flipping it over and tapping it out to make a little sand castle. Mine were never very elaborate. Perhaps it was never really worth it to me to put a lot of effort into something that would last, at best, a few hours until the tide rolled in. Then again, never in my wildest dreams could I have created a sand castle remotely similar to any of these.
This collection of amazing sand sculptures represents the work of artists who spend grueling hours in the sun (or in the dark), building them for fun and recreation or for competitions. Some artists even build custom sand sculptures professionally for events or advertisers, as they tend to draw crowds wherever they are found.

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