New Mercedes Arrow 460 Yacht Is An Eye Popping And Bank Breaking Luxury

watch_later Wednesday, October 23, 2013

It would appear that many Mercedes’ users wanted to sail the seas as well and Mercedes took their wishes into consideration when it came up with the idea of a yacht and has now introduced it with cooperation of Silver Arrow Marine. The yacht is being called the Mercedes Arrow 460 yacht. It is 45 ft in length and comes with a variety of features thanks to advances in Science.
Moving on now, let’s show you the party area of Arrow 460. Welcome to the cockpit like greenhouse which is surrounded by glass panels that adjust to ambient light levels and helps provide the users a splendid view from their yacht while protecting their skin from the scorching sun. The front panel of this cockpit can be opened up if you’re in the mood for a cool breeze. The Arrow 460 has a $1.7 million price tag and comes with an optional onboard wine cellar for those who want it.
Arrow 460 comes with two Yanmar diesel engines each with a horsepower of 480 and this can help propel the yacht through water at speeds higher than 40 knots. For those of you who find this speed slow; well this is a luxury yacht after all and therefore it has not been designed for speed.
This new Yacht shows that Mercedes is taking interest in the sea market as well and Arrow 460 might just be a pilot project before Mercedes decides to go to sea, perhaps they are foreseeing the melting of ice caps and people shifting to sea rides. All jokes apart, a decent invention by Mercedes (if you take into consideration their cigarette boat) and a nice attempt at entering the Yacht market. For now, lets keep our fingers crossed and see how far Mercedes is actually willing to go for the sea lovers.

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