Audi RB 1200s Concept Bike

watch_later Wednesday, December 26, 2012
The automobile brand Audi has come out with the new bike known as Audi RB 1200s. This is the ultimate sports bike which you can find in the marker with latest engineering precision for better performance. This bike if designed by taking the innovation from the car design.

The bike comes in different colors and gives ultimate comfort to the rider for riding the bike comfortably. The tyre of the bike is anti puncture and designed with   an extra grip which does not let it get it punctured. The seat of the bike is bit higher in the back portion to give a suspension to the entire bike. The brakes are designed with ultimate precision to handle any emergency. The entire engine is made compact to have a good acceleration and speed. The seat of this bike is made with soft leather to give maximum comfort to the rider. This wonderful design is given by Gavin Harvey.

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